Web Design & Development

6 Easy Ways to Make Web Design Faster

Website Design

Best Website Design Ideas

Designing the website for your company is a challenging proposition. You just can’t create another design, but you need to showcase one of the bests. Most importantly, it is essential to present a design that can cater to the requirements of your target audience.

To create such a website design is not a rocket science. What follows are some tricks, tips, shortcuts, and a little more focus. Check this post below to know about such design tricks and hacks to take your website design to the next level!

6 Tips for Designing a Website Quickly

1. Turn Wireframe into Grayscale Before You Add Color


Designers who create wireframes before conceptualizing the visual designs are aware of the value of beginning the concept with shades of gray. When you turn your wireframe into a visual design layout with shades of grayscale then you are able to distinguish among the impressions created by different visual elements.

Once you create your wireframe into grayscale you may then add images, design elements, colors, and other aspects one at a time. Eventually, you will be able to design a balanced website design that places prominent items right in the front, while moving to other elements in terms of appeal.

2. Make Rapid Prototypes Using Keynote (Mac)


Rapid prototypes are needed for landing pages, call to actions, web pages, and other web interface related elements. But not necessarily you need Photoshop to create them. Check for Keynote, which is Apple’s version of PowerPoint that is an underground movement ideal to create varieties of mockups.

Additionally, you can check the online repository housing different templates to design the user interface for prototyping, testing, and wire-framing web and mobile apps in Keynote. Surely, they will deliver you better results at a faster pace as compared to other types of conventional design tools.

3. Avoid Showcasing the Social Media Icons


You put in all hard efforts to bring people to your website, and now you are giving them an option to leave it! That’s what you are practicing if you incorporate social media icons in a noticeable place of your website, such as the header.

The solution!

Just bury them in the footer.

If you want people to stay on your website, learn and probably inquire about your services then don’t give them other options to move. Directing them towards your social channels might make them more interested to check out your company photos, outings, and other events. Make it vice versa. Rather use social media platforms to send them to your website.

4. Use Appropriate Web Fonts to Enhance Your Corporate Style


It’s 2018, and if your web design lacks proper web fonts, then you need to search for them and them to your website. This is important to ensure that your website holds the same governance that other collaterals and corporate documents possess.

If you don’t know where to search for such fonts, then Google Fonts is the perfect place, to begin with. Look for an appropriate web font and define its usability in the corporate style so that you can use such fonts on a consistent basis.

5. The Slideshow Carousel is a Thing of Past


The carousel for homepage image and slideshow came in vogue to present more information to people on the very first page of the website. But the truth is that most of the individuals don’t spend much time on the page to experience and go through all messages and titles.

Such images and messages usually are not relevant to the first visit of your prospect. Just think about that one thing that you want the visitor to take away when he visits your site for the first time. Simply, promote that single thing!

This could be what your company offers or any special service and forget about everything else.

6. Simplify Navigation and Effectively Use the White Space


It might be counter-intuitive to limit the option for the visitors. But actually, it is helpful to guide people to your most productive content. Rather than offering your visitors with links to every web page, simplify the navigation system. Avoid creating multi-tier dropdown system for navigation. Eliminate drop-down menus and reduce the number of links in the sidebar of the header of the site.

Another critical aspect to consider is the white space. Using it appropriately might appear a hack. But remember, not every white space on the webpage needs to be filled. Try to maintain the simplicity by efficiently using the white space. Give your site design some space to breathe so that your site visitors are able to find things easily.

These are some simple design hacks that most of the designers tend to neglect. Hence, if you want to create a web design faster and efficiently, then do remember these design hacks the next time you start creating one!


Author Bio: Sunny Chawla is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs – a Web design and Development Company. Helping global businesses with unique and engaging tools for their business. He would love to share thoughts on Ecm Services, Web Designing, and Web development.

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